Do You Have Chemistry with Him? (The #1 Factor that Matters Most!)

You’re getting ready to go out on a first date with a guy you met online. What’s the single most important factor in determining whether you have chemistry? How much you have in commonHow well you flirtHow you lookHow you smell I’ll tell you the answer in just a...

The ‘Kiss Test’ That Makes Men Behave Inappropriately

You’re on a date with someone you met through an online dating site. You picked him carefully, because you have standards. You don’t go out with anyone who doesn’t look nice or doesn’t treat you with respect. It’s a half-hour into the date, and you’re starting to...

What Makes a Perfect Match?

It’s no one’s place to tell you who to be attracted to. You’re attracted to who you’re attracted to. It may look crazy to outsiders, but it’s your right. No one else can see through your eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So how do you know who’s the perfect...

How to Attract Men Using Internal Chemistry

There’s a powerful saying that goes like this… “You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess.” This saying means two things. You should strive to put your best foot forward, but you must never...