how to be attractiveA survey was done as men walked out of marriage license bureaus.

These are the guys we most want to hear from. They are the men who fell head-over-heels in love…AND popped the question, “Will you marry me?”

The survey asked why. Why did you ask this woman to marry you?

The survey revealed men’s number one reason for initial attraction to a woman was her energetic and positive attitude.

In other words, being upbeat and happy is attractive to men who want a life-long commitment.

It turns out that putting happiness as a high priority in your life can help you catch a keeper. They may be lured in by that sexy, pouty lower lip, but it won’t hold them for long.

Men may not be emotional geniuses, but their instincts serve them well on this measure of emotional intelligence. Are there ways to change your own basic happiness level?

Yes! I’m sure you’ve experienced it yourself at various times in your life.

Sometimes a simple perspective change allows us to shift into a more relaxed mode where it becomes easier to appreciate life in all its to be attractive

Has that ever happened to you? You are rushing and stressing and trying so hard, when something in the present moment catches your attention. It happened to me once in a parking lot as I hurried toward a building on a sunny spring morning.

The sky was so blue it caught my attention. My perspective changed. I turned my thoughts away from what was coming later in the day and found myself appreciating the present moment as it unfolded. I noticed a tiny white flower growing out of a small crack in the pavement. I stopped walking and just stared at it. I noticed a pleasant fragrance in the gentle breeze that danced past my face. I was immersed in the present moment, the here and now.

The His Secret Obsession can teach you how to tap into that happiness and energy more often. When you’re dating, a mind focused on relationship outcomes “removes you” from the type of full engagement men find most attractive.

People can sense it. When your attention rests fully in the moment, the people interacting with you can tell. It’s too subtle to put into words, but the effect can be profound. Why? Because a person who is fully present makes you feel more significant, more noticed, more appreciated. These are things all humans crave.

We don’t know how, but the shift from “future mind” to “present mind” is palpable when you are trying to experience what it’s like to be in the presence of a potential romantic partner.

The next time you find yourself interacting with a guy you like, practice the art of bringing your mind fully to the present moment.

To Your Happy Relationships,

James Bauer

P.S. Stay tuned for the next email where I show you exactly how to find out where your relationship is going without messing things up